Sunday, December 12, 2010

So, Triple Crown ended the other weekend with LRC. I had a pretty good day, and ended up in 4th place despite the rainy conditions. Overall, I took 7th, which is pretty good considering I had an absolutely atrocious Hound Ears comp. The Riverside has been seeing more traffic than ever before, and much needed opinions are being established. 2nd ascents are rolling in, and its always fun to hear peoples' feedback on problems. I have a very hard time grading First Ascents usually, as most of the time I use unique beta, so its great to have multiple people send a route, then tell me how hard it is. Just this past week, I put up the lower extension into the crimpy "Silversides" roof problem. Josh Edwards and I first started working this line, which has an obvious start on a low ledge, but could not fathom sticking "the move" from the low. We both worked the eliminate for a few days, and I was sucessfully able to send it, but felt completely dissatisfied with not having done it from the obvious lower start. After sending the eliminate, and figuring a grade of V9, I immediately began working the lower start. The extension adds one long move into the original start, and makes "the move," so much more difficult as every second of fresh skin counts. After a few more days of work, and coming very close to sticking "the move," I had confidence I would send after a rest day or two. Low and behold, all it took was one below-freezing day, and I was able to send the rig on my second try! Here's a video. Stay tuned for the topo release, and in the meantime, check out

Silversides Low (V10) F.A. from Andrew Minnick on Vimeo.